Sunday, March 02, 2008

Finnegan Jack

Finnegan Jack, originally uploaded by NealeA.

With his adoring parents, Jane and Russell

Finnegan Jack

Finnegan Jack, originally uploaded by NealeA.

Here he is with his Dad.

Finnegan Jack

Finnegan Jack, originally uploaded by NealeA.

Another interesting expression on the face of a relaxed baby.

A smile

Finnegan Jack, originally uploaded by NealeA.

Now I know babies at two months don't really smile. Their faces go through all sorts of expressions, in milliseconds. It was fun to catch this face.

Finnegan Jack

Finnegan Jack, originally uploaded by NealeA.

Russell and Jane came over this weekend. Naomi and Nick were also here. I think the new parents like their little boy, two months old this day.