Sunday, April 02, 2006

And the buildings are still going up. There are four construction cranes in this view from the bridge. I sometimes think the downtown peninsula is getting so dense it will sink. But it makes for a very lively city, all these people living there. Posted by Picasa

Heading into downtown in the morning. The new condominium highrise apartments are everywhere. Posted by Picasa

View from Cambie Bridge of the east end of False Creek, with a water taxi coming toward us. This is the sight I see most mornings as I cycle to work across the bridge on the way the work. Posted by Picasa

Hockey has ended for Ros for the season. Here's one of the last games. It is a beautiful field at Hamber School, with the North Shore mountains in the background. Posted by Picasa

Grandpa Jack Kellett showed the regimental flags stored in a cabinet at the Cathedral to Naomi when she was in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago. These World War I and II battle flags used to hang in the sanctuary but they got old and fell apart and looked awful. they've been restored and make a nice display now. Posted by Picasa