We took in the Dragon Boat Race at False Creek. We think this is Ros' Hamber Secondary's team winning a heat.
In Vancouver, Frederick Kabendwe came to visit, to attend the Vancouver World Peace Forum. We billeted him for part of the time.
And we visited the home of Ken and Sandi Melchin, her boyfriend Nick's parents.
We went to the Cirque du Soleil, which was a lot of fun. Couldn't take picture inside.
Then I took the train to Ottawa to visit Naomi.
Toronto at night from the window of our hotel, the Ramada on Jarvis.
We visited the Toronto Islands. Here's a picture of the city from the ferry to the islands.
In early June I went to the Anglican Editors Assn. annual conference, this year in Toronto. Here we were meeting with the Primate, Archbishop Andrew Hutchison.
Rosalind has taken some very pretty pictures of the flowers.
The flowers have come out quite nicely at our place this summer.