The attack! Rosalind also successfully eliminated a big nest from nearby tree.
Here's the wasp killer getting prepared for her night time trip (when the wasps are asleep). Those insects better watch out.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Out our bedroom window about a week ago now. I love rhododendron season in Vancouver.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Ros speaks at an award ceremony for her Hamber School's Environmental Club while Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell patiently waits to give it to Grade 10 student Carleton Chen. It was one of 25 awards the mayor gave out on Clean Air Day, June 8. The club cleaned up the vacant lot next to their high school.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
The rats have Swahili names, which I forget. (Maybe Naomi will add a comment giving them.) I remember the names mean banana and mango, or some sort of fruits. Unfortunately, Rosalind is very allergic to their dander, and we can't keep them here. Unfortunately...
Oh, I forgot. When she was in Vancouver last month, I did take a picture of Naomi with her two pet rats which she brought at great expense from Ottawa. They now are in the care of Russell and Jane.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
My dear daughter Naomi complains that I have no pictures of her on my web blog - which is true. The problem of course is that I haven't taken any pictures of her lately... and she hasn't been home for months. Well, she was last month, but I didn't take any pictures of her. Anyway, here she is. Great kid - of whom I am very proud...
It is a beautiful province, indeed.
There actually were real fishing boats in Lunenburg. I now have a better idea of Nova Scotia. Good trip.
Bill's successor, Mary Ruth Snyder, brought her six year old daughter Maggie, who joined the group for social events and the Wednesday bus tour. Here they are near Bayswater. Maggie got a great deal of attention, of course, which she enjoyed.
The conference was the last for Bill Morrison, standing, from Victoria, who is retiring soon.
On the docks we met this guy with an interesting tricycle and chatted for a while. He said he has another three-wheeler, made in Germany, that he races. He was very enthusiastic about tricycles.
Tana was particularly happy because she got to walk on the Bluenose, while her father Bob last year hadn't been able to because it was out. Bob, she said, was so disappointed.
And also the Bluenose II, the ship on the Canadian dime, which is harboured in Lunenburg, but happened to be in Halifax.
Tana took us along the waterfront where we saw a number of tall sailing ships including this one from Chile. They believe in big flags.
Ros had to take some Atlantic water back to the West Coast. Here, on the Halifax harbourfront, she's pouring seawater into an old beer can while Tana Worcester looks on. Tana lives and works in the city for Fisheries as a scientific advisor overseeing oil and gas extraction. She showed us around, which was great.
Paul Sherwood of the local diocese was our host. The conference was okay, especially seeing the group again and Rosalind being with me... that was great!
Went to Nova Scotia last week (June 6 - 9) for an Anglican Editors conference. N.S. is a pretty province. Here is an often taken shot of the Three Churches of Mahone Bay on the South Shore.